Punch & Judy Show


Sunday Amphitheatre Food Court

11 am

Punch and Judy

Sunday Amphitheatre Food Court

11 am


Punch and Judy

Sunday Amphitheatre Food Court

11 am

It has been a tradition to have a Punch and Judy show at this festival for some years and we have had folks come back year after year to see how the show has evolved.
I have been doing this show since 2008 and have modified the old traditional violent show to suit Australian culture and mores. Note that most of my puppets are caricatures of Australian prime ministers! Yes, even Tony Abbot gets a look in! My show is aimed at adults and children and I hope can be enjoyed by everyone.
This year is the 362nd birthday of the old Mr Punch who was first seen at work in Covent garden in London. I have had the privilege of performing in Covent garden on two occasions, so can say that my show is truly international (the British audience didn’t get the Australian jokes).

See you there!